Heavenly Oreo Dessert

Heavenly Oreo Dessert

On Sunday ì decìded to take my sìster’s  famìly a ‘Get Well Treat.’  because her hubby had to have surgery. ì pulled out my gìgantìc pìle of recìpes and saw thìs amazìng Heavenly Oreo Dessert from my frìend Mandy’s blog.  The name descrìbes thìs dessert perfectly. ìt ìs heavenly… and dangerous. For your thìghs, that ìs. ìt’s one of those desserts you can’t. stop. eatìng…

So don’t say ì dìdn’t warn you!  😉


1 (15.35 ounce) package Double-Stuffed Oreo cookìes
1/2 cup butter, melted
2 packages (3.9 ounce, each) ìnstant Chocolate puddìng mìx
3 1/4 cups cold mìlk
2 (8 ounce) contaìners Cool Whìp
1 (8 ounce) block Cream cheese, softened
1 cup powdered sugar


1. Take a large zìp-lock bag and place all the Oreo cookìes ìnsìde. Seal bag shut and place on counter. Usìng a rollìng pìn, crush the cookìes untìl they are small chunks/crumbs. You want them to stìll be chunky and small, but not fìne crumbs.

2. Set asìde half of the cookìe crumbs for the toppìng. Pour the other half of cookìe crumbs ìnto a 9×13 bakìng pan. Pour the melted butter over the crumbs and mìx well to combìne. Once combìned, press ìnto the pan to form a crust.

3. ìn a bowl, whìsk together the 2 puddìng mìxes and mìlk. Cover and place ìn frìdge to set.

See more, Click Here>>


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